
Petanque at Sunset / 夕暮れペタンク

一人の週末をゆっくり葉巻でも燻らせて過ごそうと思っていたのに、いつものようにビーチでペタンク。ティールのフォームを固めたくて練習してました。 中間距離はまあまあ当たるのに、短かったり長かったりすると当たらないのが気になってたんですよね。でフォームを少しずつ変えながら投げ続け・・・ 気がついたら日が暮れて・・・ つまり、フォームは固まらなかった訳です。
My wife took our children with her to her volleyball coaching gig and I was left alone. Lucky me! I tried to enjoy quiet and relaxing weekend by being lazy, drink, and smoke fat cigar, but ended up coming to beach to practice petanque as of any other weekends... I wanted to concrete my Tir form. I had measuring tape on the ground and measured from 6 to 10m, since my Tir works better in mid range, but not too short or long. So I tried shooting in different distances with tiny difference in my form... I ended up staying at beach until the sunset. This tells you, that I have not accomplished anything.

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