
First game/初投げ

We have started 2008 pretty busy with Petanque:
Jan.2nd: Our first game of the year, but interrupted in the middle. Ace player in Hiratsuka(my wife) was winning big time like 12:2, but as far as I cosider the game was no-count since the game has never been finished.
Jan.3rd: We have competed in single game again and I won by 13:12. A very good game for me. So, I was preparring to write blog saying that in our first game, I have won. However the Ace disagreed.
Jan. 5th: We had a deciding match of who won the first game of the year. The Ace has kept on throwing jack to max.10m, so I advised her saying "you know you are a shooter. It will be advantageous if you keep the jack in the comfortable distance for your shooting". The response from the Ace was "I know, I can shoot in 10m pretty good, but you cann't. So this is a big advantage for me". This intimidated me so bad, we had 3 single games and I could only win 1...
Jan.6th: My wife asked me if I can take care of our boys during the coming weekend so that she can concentrate on coaching volleyball. My response was "Only if you win a game of petanque from me" like saying over-my-dead-body. So we have had deciding match. There were people waiting to play doubles, so had a race-to-11 quicky. The Ace was strong and won by 11:8. Her non-spinning rob shot is getting amazing results and direct tir up to 10m has become her ultimate weapon...
Damn busy with Petanque...
1/2: 初投げ。平塚のエース(家内)が12:2で圧倒しながら中断される。中断したのだから、初ゲームとは認めないと言う管理人の認識でした。
1/3: シングルのゲームを行い、管理人がエースから13:12の金星を挙げる。ブログに書くと告げると、エースに反対される。初ゲームは2日だと・・・
1/5: 今年の真の初勝利を掛けてのシングル。エースがジャックを最長の10mほどに投げ続けるので、思わず”シューターなんだから、自分がシュートしやすい距離にジャックを置くのがイイんじゃない?”とアドバイス。 すると”分かってるよ、私は10mはシュートできるけど、お父ちゃんはできないから、イイんだよ”と。これにビビった管理人は3ゲーム中1ゲームのみ辛くも勝つ。
1/6: ”週末の3連休にバレーのコーチングに集中するため、子守りをして欲しい”との家内の申し入れに”俺にペタンクで勝ったらね!”と管理人。ダブルス待ちの面々を横眼に11点ゲーム。 11:8で惨敗・・ エースの無回転ロブショットは脅威の結果を生み、10mも直接当てるティールは最終兵器化してます・・・

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