
Search for Petanquable Place

Even in Shogatsu Holiday, itch for improving my game has not left me alone. It was particularly windy day. In the winter day like this, there are sand storm at beach. So, I took my boys out to load off their energy. Not to park, but in search for other petanquable place in my town. We went to river side where the practice soccer field of Shonan Belmare is located. There we found a pavement right beside the soccer field. Because of the rain day before, it was not perfect, but petanquable! In the evening when my wife has return from her running exercise, she has reported that she found a Petanquable place even in rain! We will go see there tomorrow.
正月休みでもペタンクを上達したい気持ちは消えるわけもなく、ビーチは砂嵐状態の風の強い日だったので、子供たちの溢れるエネルギーの放出のためにも、連れ出しました。 公園にではなく、ペタンク可の場所を探しに。 河川敷の湘南ベルマーレの練習場のあたりに行くと、すぐ隣りの通りが前日のあめで、完璧とは言えないまでも、ペタンクするのに良い状態。 夕刻ランニングから帰った家内が”雨でも練習できる所を見つけた!”との報告。 明日行ってみよっと。

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