
Petanque with Philippe Quintais/フィリップ・キャンテ選手とペタンク!

I was fortunate to be able to participate the event with far most world title holder, Master Pilippe QUINTAIS on March 5th. Not just to spectate his spectacular performances, I could be able to have game with him. The game was doubles and I have teamed up with my sensei Buehler-san of Aoyama Petanque(http://aoyama.petanque.cc/). The oppornent was the best team available on the day, Mr.Quintais and Japan's best player Mr.Konari. It was only for 3 rounds, and we could not get any point out of these great players, but I was overwhelmed with the opportunity. My point worked pretty well in the 3rd round as I could successfully out marked the opponent 3 in the low. I have been struggling all day long as I somehow lost the touch in the very nervous situation during my very first tournament. Somehow it came back in the 3rd round and it was fortunate that I could force the opponent team to tir them. However the champ and Konari-san would not miss their tir but struck carreaux right back at us.
It was shocking to see world top level playing right before my own eyes. The fog before my eyes were wiped off and I now have clear vision of what I have to master to become competitive player. I only wish the Ace of Hiratsuka has experienced the same shock with me. I may never accomplish the high level playing that I wish for, but I now have good aim. Practice and experience should be the key, just like any other sports. Practice-practice-practice!
I would like to thank Buehler-san again and again to give me this opportunity of life time memory, and Hosoda-san and Konari-san to make this event possible.
3月5日に最多世界タイトルを持つペタンクのスーパースター、フィリップ・キャンティ氏とのイベントに参加しました。 しかも見学だけでなく、ゲームもやりました。 ダブルス形式で3メーヌ限定でしたが、青山ペタンクのビューラー先生と組んで、これ以上ないチーム;キャンティさん&日本No.1プレーヤーの小成さんのチームとの対戦でした。 3メーヌ目では、朝から崩れてしまい見失っていたポアンテを何とか取り戻し、3球連続で相手を上回るポジショニングに成功。相手チームにティールを強要するポワンテでしたが、キャンティさんも小成さんも全く外す事がないどころか、カローでお返しされる!
世界のトップレベルの技術を見て、衝撃を受けた一日でした。 でも眼の前の霧が覚めたように、今後の目標が明確に浮かんできました。 平塚のエースにも体験させてやりたかったなぁ。 自分が望むレベルに到達できない可能性もありますが、やっぱり練習と経験がキーなんでしょうね。 よーし、練習、練習、練習だ~!!

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