
Tokyo Petanque League/東京ペタンクリーグ

We have participated in 5th round of Tokyo Petanque League vs Mon Soleil Club. It was quite an experience for me since Mon Soleil has many of the top players in Japan. How did I prepared for this most important event of the year? I stop lifting weights on Wed. and rested my body for 2 full days! Did it work? NO! because weight training does NOT have that much impact on the performance of petanque anyway... I was appointed as an shooter, teamed up with Ogawa-san in the first game. I hipponotize myself deep into shooting mode. My shooting was ok but since I was into the mode, I could not point well... Too much adrenarine caused me to go over the target and I could not adjust it during the game. In the second game, I have teamed up with Endo-san the new club member. He was shooting well in the tournament last week, so he started out as a shooter. However my point sucked big time as my brain could not adjust myself back to the delicate delivery of boules. We switched and I was better shooting. In both games, we could only gain 6 points out of 13.
Ace was having roller coaster day. Her shooting average was not high, and directly comparing with Konari-san, Kato-san, Mizumoto-san, top level shooters in this nation we have found a hole in her shooting style. On Sunday, we worked on that already and this experience in Saturday alone will accelerate her skill as a shooter, I am sure of. In the final game, she has teamed up with our captain, Buehler-san. Buehler-san has kept his concentration high and up all day long and had great performance. Ace asked Buehler-san to be a shooter and it worked fine as winning the game. This scared me. I have been learning to be a pointer for her, but she can point well, too? The challenge accepted and I will elevate myself to be better pointer from now on!!
As of last note, Konari-san, a number 1 player was generous and enthusiastic about petanque and gave me some tips. I appreciated it very much. And my biggest respect to Hosoda-san the club captain, to be able to gather up such a talented and colourful club.
ああ、英語が長いから、日本語は短めにね。 東京ペタンクリーグ第5戦に参加しました。 ウエイトトレーニングも控えて準備しました。 小川さんと組んだ試合では、ティルールを任せていただき、番犬のようなティールモードに頭を切り替え挑みました。そのせいか、ポワンテが全く振るわず、あまり貢献できませんでした。2試合目は新メンバーの遠藤さんと組んでの試合。先週の大会でティールを当てていたので、私がポアンテで始めましたが、前述の通りポワンテがめちゃくちゃ。途中でティールに替えてもらいました。 どちらの試合も13点中6点しか取れないありさま。 
エースもシューティングのアベレージが低く、厳しい1日でしたが、小成さん、加藤さん、水本さんなど国内有数のシューター達と直接比較してみれたので、弱点が良く分りました。 日曜は早速それを修正すべく練習しました。 最後の試合では青山のキャプテンであるビューラーさんと組んでの試合。 ビューラーさんは、終日物凄い気迫と集中力で素晴らしいパフォーマンスを見せてくれました。 流石! でも最後の試合はエースがポワンテを担当。 これが機能し、見事勝利する事ができました。 それにしても怖いのは、エースのためにポワンテを練習してきた私より、良いポワンテールだと言う事・・・
小成さんには、非常に参考になる事を教えていただきました。 念頭に置いて練習します。 ありがとうございました。そして細田さんは、あれだけ実力とタレントが揃ったクラブをまとめ上げる器量に敬意を表します。

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